LMACS Course of Study
The LMACS course of study is called “Phases: Pathways to Success.” This innovative structure was implemented to address student gaps in learning and to progressively move students toward the successful completion of the LMACS curriculum and to provide opportunities for students to achieve Academic, Social and Career Success.
The Phases program has three essential phases or stages. Each phase is designed to provide students with the necessary skills to satisfy the graduation requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Lowell Middlesex Academy Charter School.
- In Phase I students focus on acquiring the skills necessary to be a successful student.
- In Phase II students focus on demonstrating proficiency of skills learned in Phase I.
- In Phase III students focus on practicing the skills acquired in Phase I & II.
Each Phase includes the following:
- Approximately 12 academic courses
- School/community service component
Phase II and III requirements include:
- Career Preparation
- 50 Hour College/Career Exploration
- Opportunity for Dual Enrollment
- Successful completion of MCAS
- Math and English Proficiency
- Successful completion of “Senior” courses
Three trimesters are allowed for phase completion. Progress is reviewed at the end of each trimester. Students who do not complete the phase in three trimesters will be required to repeat that phase.
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