Code of Conduct

As a member of the LMACS community, students are expected to uphold behavioral expectations not only within the school premises but also during activities associated with the Learning Through Interests (LTI) initiative, including job placements, internships, and shadow sites. These expectations are integral to fostering a positive and productive learning environment for all individuals involved.

  • Respect Yourself: Students must strive towards personal goals that contribute to their success and well-being, both within the school community and during LTI experiences.
  • Respect Others: Courtesy and respect must be extended to all individuals encountered:  fellow students, LMACS staff, and guests within the school setting, and supervisors, colleagues, and community members during LTI initiatives.  Any form of violence or threats of violence will not be tolerated, and conflicts or disagreements must be resolved peacefully and non-violently, adhering to the principles of the school’s Code of Conduct.
  • Respect Property: Students are expected to demonstrate care and respect for the property of the organizations and individuals hosting LTI experiences, as well as for their personal belongings and the property within the school premises.
  • Come Prepared: Students are expected to approach both school and LTI experiences with the same level of preparedness and engagement, actively participating in learning activities and contributing positively to their respective environments.
  • Maintain a Drug-Free Environment: Drugs or drug paraphernalia are strictly prohibited on school grounds at all times. Smoking, including the use of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, or vaping devices, is strictly prohibited on school grounds, including doorways and alcoves of the LMACS building.  Smoking devices may not be plugged into any LMACS power sources, as per state law. Students are expected to adhere to the school’s drug-free policy at all times, whether within the school setting or during LTI experiences.
  • Follow Attendance Protocols: Being present in school and in class is vital for academic success and building strong connections with peers and teachers. Leaving the school building during the day requires prior authorization; unauthorized departures will result in dismissal for the day. For Learning Through Interests activities, students must follow the same policies for authorized departures as outlined in the school’s Attendance Policy. Unauthorized departures from LTI experiences, job placements, internships, or shadow sites may result in similar disciplinary action.

By upholding these behavioral expectations, students not only demonstrate integrity, respect, and responsibility but also contribute to the creation of a safe and supportive learning environment throughout their educational journey at LMACS, whether within the school setting or during Learning Through Interests  activities.

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