We will continue to provide WEEKLY updates (or more if needed) to this document as time goes on and the situation changes. Please keep checking here.
First, we want to answer some questions you emailed to us.
- LMACS is closed until further notice. We’ll send emails, tweets, all-calls, and post the information on LMACS.org and Facebook as soon as we are advised by the Department of Education to re-open school.
- Graduation plans may be postponed but we are committed to every graduate having a meaningful experience that is fun and leaves all our families with a very unique graduation memory.
- Keep in touch via email. If you are not getting emails from your advisor, please send us an email to we can respond.
Lowell Middlesex Academy Charter School continues to closely monitor developments with the Coronavirus (also known as COVID 19) and have been in contact with the Department of Education, the Department of Public Health and Middlesex Community College Emergency Management Team (EMT). We are aware that this is a very complex situation and appreciate that there is heightened concern among our high school community.
The safety – including the health- of our students and faculty is our priority.
A decision to close school is an important one with significant impact on our community. This decision is a proactive measure for our students and families. Please stay at home as much as possible in order to limit the number of people you come in contact with – also referred to “Social Distancing.”
Lunch will be provided for LMACS students and to all children during the weekdays at nine sites. There will be a food truck on location for 30 minutes a day at each site. Please call your local town hall for location of your food bank if additional support is needed.
Our website will also provide additional resources for our students and families as we navigate this rapidly changing environment.
Please continue to stay up to date on the latest information on the link below:
Stay Well,
Dr. McDevitt and Ms. Monoxelos