Letter from Dr. McDevitt

Dear LMACS families,

As you may have already heard from your children, I am retiring at the end of this academic year.

While I am sad and excited at the same time, I feel fortunate to have had all of you in my life for the past 17 years, but it is time to move on to my next phase, whatever that may be.

I told the students that I brag about them all the time and I wanted you to know what I told our Board of Trustees about your children and their teachers. I told them:

It has been an amazing and gratifying opportunity to work with extraordinarily talented and dedicated educators. The LMACS teachers show their passion for the profession and their love of their students every day. It has been my singular honor to be considered a colleague and friend.

Perhaps the greatest privilege I have had as an educator was working with the LMACS students. There was never a day that was ordinary. Our students are extraordinary in every way that matters. Our students are survivors; they are bright and tenacious, they are funny and fun, and they will challenge any injustice fearlessly. For the most part, many students have not been well served by established institutions, but they are surprisingly optimistic. I leave this position sharing their optimism and with gratitude for what my colleagues and students have taught me.

I wish you and your families all the very best in the future and hope that our paths cross again.

Most sincerely,

Marge McDevitt
AKA Dr. McDevitt