Director’s Update

Dearest Families and Friends,

On Wednesday, June 2, 2021 we were able to host two graduations for a total of 30 students. One for the Class of 2020 and one for the Class of 2021. Both ceremonies were great fun and very poignant. We had a beautiful sunny and warm day and the graduates looked MARVELOUS. Needless to say, everyone was happy and proud of the students’ accomplishments. On to the class of 2022!

The LMACS Pooled Testing program will end Monday June 14, 2021. Because of the dedication and expertise of school nurse, Amy Hendl, and the cooperation of faculty and students, we are pleased to report that throughout the program, we never had a positive pool.

Current 10th graders took the ELA MCAS on May 17 and 18th and Math MCAS on May 24 and 25th. Good Luck, MCASers!

Since LMACS students returned full time in May, we were able to plan a variety of activities that build community and connections with the school and among the students. On May 20 we went to Plum Island, MA for a picture-perfect day learning about salt water marsh life including, of all things, bird watching!

Our Kimball Farm trip was May 27. It was so much fun. We did it all…bumper cars, water bumper cars, driving range and of course, Kimball’s famous ice cream. Delish!

On June 10 we ventured to Great Brook Farms for a walk in the woods. The trails were beautiful and it was great to be outside on a perfect spring day. As you might expect, we made time for pizza and ice cream…also delish!

As always, we thank you for your ongoing support of Lowell Middlesex Academy Charter School.
 and we wish you all a happy and healthy summer.


Margaret McDevitt, Ed.D.

Anne Monoxelos, LICSW
Assistant Director