Determination of Exit from SEI Program 

Multiple measures are used when making decisions regarding the partial or full exit from the SEI program. If students exit the program, their classification changes from Limited English Proficient (LEP) to Formerly Limited English Proficient (FLEP). In order to be re-designated as FLEP, the student must be deemed to be English proficient and able to participate meaningfully in all aspects of the district’s general education program without the use of adapted or simplified English materials. 

The criteria used for this determination will include: 

  • Transitioning ACCESS scores of4.5;
  • Ability to compete with same-age peers in the regular education setting with little or no support as determined by instructor observation;
  • Language proficiency at the level where the student will be able to fully participate in the goals set by the State in the ELA Curriculum Framework as determined by instructor observation;
  • Report cards
  • Input from student, parent/guardian and advisor. 

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