Implementation of the IEP: As a part of the IEP Team process, it is the responsibility of the Special Education Chairperson to ensure that the IEP is signed by the LEA as well as the parent/guardian/student over 18. An IEP amendment may be signed manually or electronically. If a parent /guardian/student over 18 requests electronic signature, the IEP document should be protected by a password.
Timelines for processing the IEP: No later than three calendar days from the conclusion of the Team meeting (and five calendar days where weekend days intervene) the district should issue the fully developed IEP. (From the Program Quality Assurance Services and the DESE’s Office of Special Education Planning and Policy Development, 2006)
Once an IEP has been signed and received, the Chairperson is responsible for entering the date the IEP was signed and received in both the student’s IEP folder and in Esped. In addition, the IEP is to be Archived at that time. At no time shall an IEP be modified without an amendment.
All services are to be implemented immediately. If an IEP was rejected in part, those parts that were not rejected are to be implemented immediately.
Following the Team meeting, the Chairperson is responsible for updating the Student Summary (IEP 1; PLEP A and B accommodations; IEP 4; IEP5) and upload it to Gradebook where the teachers and staff who have direct contact with the student can access the document. Staff who do not have access to Gradebook, but have direct contact with the student, will receive a paper copy of the Student Summary to keep in a confidential sped /504 binder. The Director of Special Education will be responsible to update the school staff during faculty meetings on any changes to a student’s IEP.
The Director of Special Education is responsible for monitoring the policy for the implementation of the IEPs by the general education staff.
LMACS will not delay implementation of an IEP due to lack of classroom space or personnel. If the lack of personnel should occur, the Director of Special Education and the Director of LMACS will immediately inform parents/DA in writing of any delayed services, the reason for the delay, and the actions that the charter school is taking to address the problem, and offer alternative methods to meet the goals and on the accepted IEP. Upon agreement of the parents, LMACS implements the alternative methods immediately until the lack of space or personnel issues are resolved
Exception for Attendance at the TEAM Meeting
MA regulations and LMACS require attendance at the TEAM Meeting of the following staff members:
- General Education Teacher
- Special Education Teacher
- A representative of the district who is able to commit the resources of the district
- An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, who may be a member described above.
When one of these members, who has been listed on the Attendance Sheet, is not able to attend a TEAM Meeting, in whole or in part, parents must be informed of this absence, and consent to it, by the beginning of the TEAM Meeting. The Chairperson should contact the parent to determine whether the meeting can go forward as planned, as soon as the absence is known.
The missing service provider prior to the Team Meeting should provide a written summary, if they will not be in attendance. Parent may agree to waive this written input if a Team member has attended part of the Meeting, but needs to be dismissed prior to its conclusion.
When Parents and Staff Disagree: Every attempt is made on the part of the Team Chairperson to resolve any differences of opinion that might arise. However, if there is no resolution, the Chairperson should propose an IEP based on the school’s recommendations, making it clear to the parents that they can exercise their rights of due process.